PSHE stands for Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education. It is a curriculum subject that supports children and young people in learning how to stay healthy, be independent, stay safe, and be prepared for life – and work – in the modern world. PSHE helps children in their pastoral and academic achievement. At Kensington Primary, we believe that PSHE reinforces positive behaviours and attitudes – such as respect, tolerance and equality – and positively impacts our pupils’ mental health, their ability to form and maintain positive relationships, their behaviour and their academic progress. We embed PSHE throughout the entire school ethos in order to ensure that pupils learn more and remember more so that they may lead positive and safe lives.
Our PSHE curriculum links closely to the IB Learner Profile as it support pupils to be:
- inquirers
- knowledgeable
- thinkers
- communicators
- principled
- open-minded
- caring
- risk-takers
- balanced
- reflective
PSHE is formed of three main themes:
-Health and Wellbeing
-Living in the Wider World
Within these themes, we cover content on mental and physical health and wellbeing, personal development, growing and changing, keeping safe online and offline, being a respectful and respected member of a community, and more.
PSHE is a form of positive and universal safeguarding that all children have access to, allowing us to create a safe, secure environment for all pupils. Through the PSHE curriculum, children at Kensington Primary will have countless opportunities to practise and secure the knowledge, attitudes and skills required to help reduce the level of vulnerability that many children face.
PSHE content is delivered to pupils in a variety of forms:
– Discrete PSHE lessons
– Cross-curricular lessons
– Themed weeks/days and special events
– Assemblies
– Everyday school ethos and values
To ensure a high standard of teaching and learning across the school, we implement a spiral curriculum for PSHE. This ensures that our curriculum is progressive and children are able to practise and broaden their knowledge, skills and understanding of PSHE as they progress through their school careers. This means that children will revisit topics and themes at different points in their journey through primary school.
Our PSHE curriculum carefully considers the needs of children from the local area and uses both local health data and pupil voice to inform about this. We also use resources from the PSHE Association, Twinkl and the Christopher Winter Project, which class teachers adapt to suit the needs of their students.
PSHE is also closely linked with many of our other curriculum subjects, including RE, history and Philosophy. We identify the links with the topics within these curriculum areas to ensure that children have ample opportunity to receive and demonstrate PSHE skills and knowledge.
We strive to ensure that all children understand the importance of PSHE and the impact that it has on life in and out of school. By building pupils’ resilience, self-esteem and understanding of themselves and others around them, and by educating pupils on how to stay safe and healthy, we can address barriers to learning, raise pupil aspirations and attainment, and create new opportunities for vulnerable and disadvantaged children.
By the time pupils leave Kensington Primary in Year 6, the PSHE content they have received will have supported them in becoming responsible, independent members of society, who are capable of making informed choices about their own health and safety. It will also support them in forming opinions and stances on moral, cultural and social issues by weighing up evidence and information, building and maintaining positive relationships and making positive contributions to society.
RSE is an important aspect of PSHE. It stands for Relationships and Sex Education and is made up of three strands: Relationships Education, Health Education and Sex Education. Relationships and Sex Education involves learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, relationships, sex, human sexuality and sexual health. Some aspects are taught in science, and others are taught as part of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE).
A comprehensive programme of Relationships and Sex Education provides accurate information about the body, reproduction, sex, and sexual health. It also gives children and young people essential skills for building positive, enjoyable, respectful and non-exploitative relationships and staying safe both on and offline. We follow the Christopher Winter Project scheme of work for RSE lessons, which all have a clear structure and are age-appropriate.
The teaching of Relationships and Sex Education at Kensington Primary School, using an integrated and consistent approach, is an important aspect of pupils’ education. Relationships and Sex Education includes supporting young people in developing self-confidence in preparation for the physical and emotional changes they will face as they progress into adulthood. We believe that the teaching of Relationships and Sex Education should be shared with parents and be mutually supportive and complementary. It promotes an understanding of the range of family types and other people who contribute to providing children with the care, love and support they need to grow and develop.
Each year, we invite parents and carers to school for a presentation on our RSE curriculum, a chance to speak to class teachers and the PSHE coordinator, and a chance to look at the lessons plans and resources used. This meeting takes place prior to the delivery of RSE content each year. We teach RSE in the Spring term, and will send letters and notifications ahead of time. Reception to Year 5 receive Relationships Education and Health Education lessons, while Year 6 cover Relationships Education, Sex Education and Health Education.
RSE content will be delivered during the week beginning 18th March 2024.
Please feel free to browse the resources for your child's year group below. If you have any further questions about the resources or teaching of this content, don't hesitate to contact us.
Additionally, please consider completing our parent/carer RSE survey to share your views with us:
Submit questions about RSE here:
PSHE Themed Weeks/Days:
Autumn Term:
- Settling in Week
- First Aid
- Black History Month
- Fire Safety
- Anti-Bullying Week
- Road Safety Week
Spring Term:
- LGBT+ History Week
- Safer Internet Day
- Children's Mental Health Week
- RSE Week
- Neurodiversity Week
Summer Term:
- Earth Day
- World Day for Cultural Diversity
- Child Safety Week
- Money and Me Week
- Healthy Me Week
- Refugee Week
PSHE Resources
Below is a list of several useful websites and resources for PSHE and RSE: