What does P.E look like in our school?
Physical Education can be found everywhere, not just in our wonderful P.E lessons! All of our pupils are encouraged to participate in as many different activities that increase their levels of physical activity in order to support them leading a healthy lifestyle. Read on to find out about just some of our initiatives to get Kensington Pupils’ on the move!
Walk to school
Using Living Streets ‘Walk to School’, pupils are motivated to be physically active before they even arrive to school! Along with their families, children can walk, jump, hop, skip, cycle, hop-off and park and stride their journey to and from school. If children record active trips 3 times a week throughout a monthly period, they win a very special ‘WOW badge’ that recognises their efforts to travel actively. We have also noticed how this has decreased the traffic/congestion around school due to an increase of children choosing not to use a car to travel!
Each month, the most active class is presented with a trophy to display proudly in their classroom.
JOGA Leaders
‘JOGA’ being Portuguese for ‘play’, children in Y4-Y6 apply, interview and if successful, play an important role in helping to provide planned, high quality activities for all children to participate in during lunch times. They receive appropriate training and are equipped with the resources to supervise and run their own activity, wearing a uniform so that they are easily identifiable. The activities offered change daily, providing a very busy, active and inclusive playground for all! Our aim is to support children in developing lifelong skills including: leadership, communicating and decision making.
5 a day
Bringing P.E into the classroom is as easy as ‘5-a-day!’ Class teachers provide their class with a ‘5 minute wakeup-shakeup’. We use ‘5 a day’ to increase daily physical activity in our classrooms with the online 5‑minute exercise routines, and 2‑minute chill-out routines. Throughout a school week, that’s an additional 35 minutes of physical movements!
We participate in many competitions that enable children to both have an increased participation in competitive sport and have a broader experience of a range of sports and activities. Half-termly, classes compete in intra competitions, demonstrating skills in a range of sports including: handball, dodgeball, football, badminton and athletics to name a few! The winning team from each intra competitions wins valuable points for their school house!
Our inter competitions calendar is very busy too which is a combination of the Liverpool Football Club Partnership, County Cross-Country Network and partnerships with other local schools, we are always trying to arrange competitions in a number of different sports for children of all age groups!
Mile a Day
From Nursery to Year 6, every child can complete our ‘mile a day’ with their friends and staff. Our aim is to improve the social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children. They can walk, hop, jump, jog or run their mile! The only thing we ask of the children is that they try their best. The mile-a-day is completed just before the afternoon lessons begin, preparing children to be ready and alert for their afternoon learning!
Children in year 3 receive weekly swimming lessons with the expectation that by the end of the academic year, they are able to swim 25metres and are able to demonstrate the skills required of water safety.
Want to know more?
There are many more examples of how you can find P.E in our school – we suggest that you take a look at the photographs displayed here and regularly check our school twitter page @KensingPrimary #KensingtonPE for regular updates!
Our intent is to provide a varied, broad and balanced educational curriculum that adheres to the aims of the national curriculum for education. Out P.E curriculum will provide opportunities for children to engage and excel in competitive sports and physical activities; promote and lead healthy, active lifestyles (physically and mentally); and ensure that children are exposed to a comprehensive P.E programme. Our programme includes competitions, lunchtime and afterschool clubs. Our P.E curriculum explicitly reinforces that learning is an ongoing journey, building and securing prior knowledge and skills to support future learning of skills. Our missions is to ensure that P.E is not taught discretely as an independent subject, but used as a platform to enrich and promote the skills and values of the International Baccalaureate (IB) learner profiles. These embedded values are to be used in a variety of contexts, in school and later in life.
At Kensington Primary School, we aim to ensure that our P.E curriculum meets the requirements of the National Curriculum.
All children receive high quality P.E lessons, delivered by P.E HLTAs. During these lessons, pupils are provided with a rich P.E curriculum, where skills are developed, cultivated and matured within a safe and inclusive environment for all.
Our P.E curriculum planning is differentiated appropriately so that it provides equal access and opportunities for all. Our P.E curriculum signposts a progression of skills (from EYFS through to KS2), where children build upon their prior knowledge to support their current and future learning. This enables pupils to contextualise their learning experiences in P.E. In our P.E lessons, we ensure that subject specific vocabulary, appropriate for their key stage, is used throughout all lessons. Previously taught and new vocabulary is displayed on working walls for the children to refer to during their learning.
There are many areas in which children are able to apply and further their learnt skills. Children are encouraged to participate in a range of lunchtime and after school clubs. Enquiry time (playtime) allows children to participate in a broad range of physical activities, as well as build upon their ability to communicate, work as a team, and develop resilience. PE HLTAs provide a broad range of planned activities during lunchtime, where children can participate in activities within a safe and inclusive environment.
We believe that our P.E curriculum stretches far beyond P.E lessons. Our outdoor areas support physical activity across the school with the use of climbing and gym apparatus in all outdoor areas. The KS2 area has an astro pitch. All outdoor areas are supplied with a range of equipment that encourage and promote physical activity. Children have swimming lessons in Year 3, teaching the aims outlined in the National Curriculum for swimming, including water rescue and safety.
At Kensington Primary School, we are proud of our competitions programme. Children compete in inter and intra competitions in a range of different sports. We work closely with the Liverpool FC Foundation and The Liverpool School Sport Partnership to deliver Level 2, 3 and 4 sport competitions on a weekly basis. Our aim is to not only celebrate our successes but also encourage children to have a go, and to develop resilience in the face of adversity. We believe this is a life-long skill that can be carried forward in our pupils’ lives.
At Kensington Primary School, we aim to provide opportunities for children to integrate their learning through cross-curricular activities. Our P.E planning provides explicit cross-curricular opportunities, where P.E and can be incorporated across the curriculum. We ensure that the content of our P.E curriculum embeds skills outlined in the International Baccalaureate Leaner Profiles.
To develop leadership, teamwork and communication, children in KS2 can apply for a JOGA leader responsibility (sports leader), where they support and encourage children to participate in physical activities during lunchtime, by running their own planned physical activities. Their role also allows them to be positive role models to their peers, and develop their own self-confidence, organisation and management skills. Our JOGA leaders play an integral role in supporting the successful completion of our Sports day.
One way in which we promote and encourage physical activity before and after school, is by using the Living Streets ‘Walk to School’ initiative, encouraging children to travel to school in a way that is physically active. This includes walking, park and stride and hop off. Children are awarded badges monthly if their travelling to and from school is active. As part of our mission to promote leading healthy-active lifestyles, every class participates in ‘5-a-day’, which is a combination of 5 minute exercise routines and a 2 minute chill-out routine.
We are soon to launch a mile a day across the school, to further increase our levels of physical activity throughout the day.
At Kensington Primary School, P.E is taught to support life-long learning. We aim to use The International Baccalaureate learner profiles to support the learning and securing of P.E skills, learning across the curriculum and in later-life. Our high-quality P.E education will ensure that our pupils are physically and mentally healthy and that they are able to promote a healthy-active lifestyle for them to continue into adult life.
We provide opportunities for children to succeed in lessons and competitions, where children can aspire to set goals, achieve and succeed. Our aim to provide a rich and broad P.E curriculum provides an equal opportunity for all children to participate and enjoy sport.
Our assessment procedure for P.E allow progress and knowledge to be monitored and evaluated. Identified summative assessments are made throughout the year to inform of progress made by the children. The assessment points inform of what areas of the curriculum have been mastered, as well as areas that require further consolidation.
In our mission to evaluate the overall impact of our P.E curriculum holistically, we consider a range of child outcomes. This is a combination of pupil-voice interviews, observations of their learning and presenting their outcomes in floor books.