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Welcome to Class 2S!


2S is full of positive and enthusiastic children who are always eager and ready to learn! This is a safe space for children to learn and grow with their social side as well as their academics. 

Teacher- Mr Stewart

TA's- Miss Puxley, Miss Dawber, Miss Pierce and Miss Charalambous

Additional Support- Mrs Heeney 


Last week's attendance (WB:  17/06/24) was 95.6%.

We need to remember that we need to be in school, on time, every day to give each child the same opportunities. Let's try better next week!


Our PE day is Monday. Please make sure your child has their PE kit with
them on this day.


You can find this terms curriculum plans at the bottom of the page.

Upcoming Trips

Trip to Ainsdale Beach on Friday 21st June 2024. Please bring pack lunches for children.  

Stay and Read

Our next Stay and Read is going to be on Thursday 9th May.

Stay and Puzzle

Our next Stay and Puzzle is going to be on Thursday 28th March.


Stay and Science


Stay and Science will be held on Thursday 14th March 2024.

Kensington Community Primary School