Welcome to RD
Welcome to RD's class page. We are happy to welcome you to Reception where we will gain new exciting experiences, meet lots of new friends, and flourish together. We are so excited for the year ahead!
Our class teacher is Miss Roche and our teaching assistant is Miss Barlow.
Miss Roche
Miss Barlow
RD attendance
Your child's attendance in school is so important to support their learning. Remember to be in school, on time, every day!
RD's attendance for the week beginning 24/3/25 was 95.6%. We must remember to be in, on time, every day!
Our weekly attendance:
Summer term: 95.7%
Wb 2/9/24- 72.3%
Wb- 9/9/24- 93.2%
Wb- 16/9/24- 94.3%
Wb- 23/9/24- 93.3%
Wb- 30/9/24- 96.7%
Wb- 7/10/24- 93.75%
Wb- 14/10/24- 94.6%
Wb- 21/10/24- 90.8%
Wb- 4/11/24- 97.1%
Wb-11/11/24- 97.6%
Wb-18/11/24- 90.1%
Wb- 2/12/24- 95%
Wb- 9/12/24- 90.8%
Wb- 16/12/25- 94%
Wb- 6/1/25- 95.8%
Wb- 13/1/25- 89.2%
Wb- 20/1/25- 92.8%
Wb- 3/2/25- 88.2%
Wb- 10/2/25- 96%
Wb- 24/2/25- 93.6%
Wb- 3/3/25- 97.2%
Wb- 10/3/25- 98.4%
Wb- 17/3/25- 97.6%
Wb- 24/3/25- 95.6%
Home Reading:
Please practise the flashcard in your child's book bag daily. The video below demonstrates the pure sounds.
In your child's reading record is a reading rainbow as shown below. As your child engages with reading at home, they can progress through the rainbow to win reading prizes and bronze, silver and gold certificates!
Our PE day is on a Monday.
Soft Play
We have soft play every Friday.
Below is an overview of the Autumn term curriculum. Please see the EYFS curriculum page for more information on the seven areas of learning.
Reception Curriculum |
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Theme |
All about me Friendships and Animals |
Space Christmas |
Key text for Read to Write |
The Something by Rebecca Cobb |
Star in a Jar by Sam Hay |
Supporting texts (Reading Mastery five) |
Fiction: The Something – Rebecca Cobb Owl Babies – Martin Waddell Lost and Found. -Oliver Jeffers Where’s my teddy? Jez Alborough The colour monster Have you filled a bucket today Goldilocks and the Three bears The Three Billy Goats gruff Non Fiction: British animals Poetry: I'm a little hedgehog |
Fiction: Star in a Jar – Sam Hay Whatever Next - Jill Murphy The dinosaur that pooped a planet- Tom fletcher Aliens love pantaclause – Clare Freedman A magical muddle- Twinkl original The dinosaur that pooped Christmas- Tom Fletcher Non Fiction: The Christmas Story Back to Earth with a bump The planets Dinosaurs Poetry: A little white Snowman |
Phonics |
Sounds: s,a,t,p,i,n,m,d,g,o,c,k,ck,e,u,r,h,b, f,ff,l,ll,ss Focus on reading: Sound recognition, CVC words |
Sounds: j,v,w,x,y,z,zz,qu,ch,sh,th,th,ng,oo,ar
Focus on reading: Sound recognition, CVC words |
Maths |
Finding and recognising numbers Subitising Representing numbers 1 more and 1 less Measure and patterns Composition of numbers 2D shapes - cone, triangle, cylinder With a focus on numbers 1-3
Finding and recognising numbers Subitising Representing numbers 1 more and 1 less Measure and patterns Composition of numbers 2D shapes - square, rectangle
With a focus on numbers 3-5 |
Upcoming trips
On Thursday 1st May 2025 RD will be visiting Croxteth park. More information will be available closer to the time.
Stay and Read - Monster Phonics Club
Reception's Stay and Read will be held in the week commencing Monday 3rd February. Dates are to be confirmed.
Stay and Puzzle- Monster Maths Club
Dates to be confirmed.
Sefton Park trip
What a fun filled day we had today in Sefton Park! We visited the Palm House and explored the grounds. We saw beautiful flowers and fruits growing on the trees. We then visited the fairy garden, but had to be super quiet just incase we scared them away! What a fantastic day we all had, and cannot wait for our next adventure!
WOW visit- Dental health team
We had a special visit from the health team who taught us all about how to keep our teeth healthy, and what happens if we don't. We received a special toothbrush and toothpaste to take home for us to practice brushing whilst at home to keep our smiles healthy!