"Welcome to Kensington Community Primary School’s Website. We hope you will find it both useful and informative. Our website creates an opportunity for us to share and celebrate the achievements of our pupils. The website is updated regularly to reflect the work and experiences the children have throughout the year. Our mission statement clearly sets out our vision and how we will achieve it."
Mission Statement
Kensington Primary School will provide a safe, secure and welcoming environment in which British Values and respect for cultural diversity, celebration of achievement and commitment to shared values fosters the growth of confidence and self-esteem in every child and their families.
The quality of teaching and learning will reflect the high value the school places on the achievement of all the pupils, reflecting diversity of race, equality of gender and awareness of individual need and an understanding of individual liberty. The quality of care provided throughout the school day will promote independence and self-esteem in all pupils.
Careful planning of the curriculum and consistent assessment of pupil progress will ensure the provision of learning experiences which are appropriate to each child, building on present understanding in order to develop and extend skills and knowledge. Well-informed transition between Key Stages will ensure progression and continuity of curriculum provision from the Foundation Stage to the end of Key Stage 2.
Teaching and Support staff will be deployed across the school to best meet identified need. This will ensure that curriculum provision and the use of resources supports the school’s stance on issues of equal opportunity in terms of race, gender and special educational need and ensuring tolerance and respect of different faiths which contributes to the personal development of all pupils.
The school will encourage the growth of such personal qualities as empathy, consideration for others and the ability to co-operate; promoting community cohesiveness, fostering the development of self-discipline, understanding of the rule of law, democracy and the awareness that each person is responsible for their own actions.
Mrs K Davies
Head Teacher