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Our attendance for the Summer term was 91.4%.
Our attendance for week beginning 13.5.24 was 92.6%.

Hello everyone, welcome to our class page!

Miss Butler is our Class Teacher and Mrs Riley, Miss Kelly, Mrs Begum and Miss Morris are our Teaching Assistants. 

We are all so excited to welcome your children into year 1 where they will learn new skills and develop new relationships.

Reading books will be changed once a week, please bring book bags in every day.

Below you will find all the information about our class.


Our PE day is Wednesday. Please make sure your child has their PE kit with them on this day.


You can find this terms curriculum plans at the bottom of the page.

Upcoming Trips

Our next trip is going to be confirmed soon.

Sty and Read

Our next Stay and Read will be coming soon.

Stay and Puzzle

Our next Stay and Puzzle will be Thursday 28th March

Kensington Community Primary School